WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.) today released the following statement about the need to pass comprehensive tax reform:
“President Trump’s tax vision is the right one for West Virginia—and anyone who says otherwise has it wrong. Tax reform will help the roughly half of American families who are living paycheck to paycheck. It will give them money to make ends meet now and save for the future. President Trump knows this—and I look forward to working with him and my colleagues to deliver this change to West Virginians. Those who oppose tax reform are defending a status quo that isn’t working for West Virginia families.”
This week, Senator Capito delivered the fifth in a series of Senate floor speeches on the benefits of comprehensive pro-growth tax reform—illustrating how simplifying the tax code will provide relief for middle-class families, save West Virginians time and money, and free up resources to grow the economy.