The Herald-Dispatch
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — As the West Virginia Department of Transportation prepares for the first sale of bonds in the “Roads to Prosperity” plan, money is being shifted around to update much-needed technology and infrastructure, but employees, who are lacking, still aren’t seeing a pay raise.
Despite Gov. Jim Justice promising a pay raise for all state employees in his State of the State address earlier this month, DOT employees are not paid out of general revenue funds but special revenue, meaning they will not see a pay raise. This is true for about 12,500 state employees, according to a Gazette-Mail report.
At the same time, the DOT has 500 or more job openings. (DOT has said 500 but Del. Cindy Frich, R-Monongalia, implied Monday there were upward of 1,000 openings.)
Smith said there seemed to be the expectation they would be able to hire 500 people in two months, but they don’t even have the human resources people to handle the big task.
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