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Media Alert: WV Press annual advertising and editorial newspaper contest now open

CHARLESTON, W.Va. —  Newspaper staff members across West Virginia are gathering their best work for submission to the West Virgnia Press Association’s annual editorial and advertising competitions.

WVPA Contest Coordinator Dalton Walker

“The submission period of the WVPA’s annual newspaper contest is open,” Walker said. “Publishers, Editors, Advertising Directors and newspaper staffers should visit the “ACES” contest site at, to submit entries for the 2019 contest.

The 2019 Association code has been emailed to publishers, editors and ad directors. 

The rules and category break-downs for advertising and editorial contests –  along with instructions on how to enter – are attached to this article and have also been emailed.

The deadline to submit entries is Friday, March 22, 2019.

“The WVPA is excited to introduce a new category to the Editorial Contest. Best Sports Event Reporting will showcase the industry’s coverage of individual sports games, matches, events etc. from all levels of athletics. Best Sports Event Reporting will give newspapers the opportunity to showcase their game coverage prowess,” Walker said.

The category break-down is as follows: BEST SPORTS EVENT REPORTING: Judging criteria: Clarity, quality of writing, thoroughness. Subject matter must be an article covering one individual sports game, match etc. from any level of athletics. Article should help the reader experience the action, highlights, emotion and importance of the event. This category excludes columns purchased from syndicated writers.

Best Sport Event Reporting WILL count toward General Excellence scores.

Additional 2019 Contest Notes:

  • Best Sports Event Reporting replaces Best Sports News Feature. Best Sports News Feature has merged with Best Sports News Reporting to create the category Best Sports News and Feature Reporting.
  • Winning entries from Best Promotion of Public Notice (advertising contest) and Best Reporting Generated from Public Notice (editorial contest) will count toward General Excellence scores in the 2019 contest.
  • Entries containing a URL to your newspaper’s website must include login information if there is a paywall. Entries without properly working URL’s or lacking access the entry are subject to disqualification

Anyone with questions on what qualifies under this new category can contact Walker, WVPA Contest Coordinator, at [email protected] or 304-342-1011.

Online entries are preferred but any entry that must be mailed, should be sent to 3422 Pennsylvania Avenue, Charleston, WV 25302

Contest rules packages are below:


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