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Kingwood participates in the second Wreaths Across America ceremony to honor local veterans

By Jacob Martin, The Preston County News & Journal

KINGWOOD W.Va. — Community and service members alike adorned 336 graves of veterans from Preston County.

On Saturday, community members gathered to honor local service members at the Maplewood Cemetery. Ceremonial wreaths, one for each branch of the military, were placed at the cemetery’s flag post as the Preston County honor guard offered a 21 gun salute.

Volunteers and family members of veterans placed a total of 336 ceremonial wreaths to honor the sacrifice and service of the past veterans that now rest in Maplewood Cemetery.

Vickie Hammond, president-elect for the Rotary Club, started the ceremony and said it was through the efforts and sponsorship of the Cheat River Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and the Kingwood Rotary Club that Kingwood could participate in the Wreaths Across America.

The ceremony was “to remember the fallen, honor those that serve and their families and teach the next generation the value of freedom,” Hammond said.

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