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Hardwood Alliance Zone hosts Chinese and North American webinars


ELKINS, W.Va. – The West Virginia Hardwood Alliance Zone, in another step to expand its national and international business development outreach, hosted two webinars – one for North America and one for China.

The Hardwood Alliance Zone’s webinars were designed to introduce companies to what the Hardwood Alliance Zone is, does, and can offer in terms of services and supplies.

“Our goal is to educate and connect with businesses that would be interested in the services and products that West Virginia’s hardwood region has to offer,” said Robbie Morris, president of the Hardwood Alliance Zone. “These webinars provide us with a chance to stay connected with industry throughout the nation and the world.”

The webinars discussed the purpose of the Hardwood Alliance Zone, the significant advantages of locating in West Virginia’s hardwood region, available transportation, the region’s labor shed and pertinent hardwood data. The presentations also portrayed the types of companies that can be found in the Hardwood Alliance Zone and could benefit incoming businesses or use hardwood products abroad.

The Hardwood Alliance Zone provides assistance to businesses that are looking to locate work sites and helps to connect companies with new networks. The goal of the Hardwood Alliance Zone is to promote the region as a premier hardwood resource.

The products made using West Virginia’s hardwoods are in high demand in other countries. More than $100 million of hardwood products are annually exported from West Virginia.

The Hardwood Alliance Zone has increased its international marketing efforts over the last few years. Its outreach initiatives have included more visible participation in international shows and translating various marketing materials into Chinese.  

The West Virginia Hardwood Alliance zone is a business development organization dedicated to promoting hardwoods, products and resources to domestic and global markets while working in partnership with the WV Division of Forestry and WV Department of Commerce. The nine county zone is comprised of Barbour, Grant, Hardy, Lewis, Preston, Randolph, Tucker, Upshur, and Webster.

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