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George Daugherty, the Earl of Elkview and Duke of Dunbar, dies


Charleston Gazette-Mail

The Earl of Elkview, George Daugherty, plays for Missouri American Legion Riders who stopped by the Charleston American Legion’s John Brawley Post 20 in September 2017. Daugherty died Sunday at age 86.
(Gazette-Mail file photo by F. Brian Ferguson)

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Kanawha County attorney, troubadour, actor and entertainer George Daugherty, perhaps best known by his stage name, the Earl of Elkview, died Sunday at age 86.

A trial lawyer in the Charleston area since 1958, specializing in medical liability cases, Daugherty said in a 2009 Daily Mail interview that he made a conscious effort to explore life outside of work in the mid-1960s, and began auditioning for, and appearing in, Kanawha Players and Charleston Light Opera Guild theatrical productions.

In 1973, he became a regular on the Capital City Jamboree country music show, televised statewide, where he initially played ukelele and a musical saw, and sang self-composed songs, many of them humorous, with titles like “It Takes a Snuff-Dippin’ Woman for a ‘Baccer Chewin’ Man.” It was then that Daugherty, who lived in Elkview since age 4, bestowed upon himself the title “Earl of Elkview” to help separate his identity as a lawyer from that of an entertainer.

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