Charleston Gazette-Mail editorial
Several of America’s top psychologists have written a disturbing book: “The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump: 27 Psychiatrists and Mental Health Experts Assess a President.” It’s to be released Oct. 3 by St. Martin’s Press. The publisher declares:
“The consensus view of two dozen psychiatrists and psychologists [is] that Trump is dangerously mentally ill and that he presents a clear and present danger to the nation.”
Although contents of the book aren’t yet public, advance interviews with authors spell out specific allegations. Psychohistorian Robert Jay Lifton told commentator Bill Moyers that Trump is “malignant” because he sees everything from an “it’s all about me” viewpoint, not considering the welfare of the nation.
Dr. Lifton said Trump “lies repeatedly” and maintains his false beliefs even after research disproves them. The scholar said the president is “dangerous because of his finger on the nuclear trigger and because of his mind ensconced in solipsistic reality. The two are a dreadful combination.”
Trump’s absorption with himself was visible when he went to Texas after deadly Hurricane Harvey and shouted “What a crowd, what a turnout” — focusing more on himself than on hurricane victims.
The latest issue of Rolling Stone magazine features an article titled “The Madness of Donald Trump.” Writer Matt Taibbi says much of the president’s behavior “just seems crazy.”
How serious are these warnings? We aren’t sure. Maybe the answer will depend upon whether he carries out his threat to “totally destroy” North Korea, or upon other actions.
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