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Former Williamson mayor sentenced to probation

By Terry L. May and Bruce Justice, Mingo Messenger

WILLIAMSON, W.Va. — Charles Hatfield, former mayor of the City of Williamson, was formally sentenced to five years of probation, restitution and a fine in connection with his May 30, 2024, guilty plea to embezzling funds from the former Williamson Memorial Hospital.

Hatfield was the facility’s CEO and managing partner when the money — including federal Medicaid/Medicare reimbursements — was misappropriated. The facility was formally under his day-to-day management. He was removed from his leadership role and the hospital filed for bankruptcy within a month after a new administration was put in place.

The sentence handed down by U.S. District Court for the Southern District of West Virginia Judge Irene C. Berger on Jan. 16 was originally scheduled to have been done on Sept. 12. However, she signed an order the day before that hearing delaying the sentencing at Hatfield’s request. It was then set for Dec. 2, and again the sentencing hearing was postponed.

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