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First felony charge: Man arrested at MVP protest chains self to equipment, accused of making threats of terrorist acts


Bluefield Daily Telegraph

Dometrius was attached to a piece of welding equipment, which was covered with a banner that read, ‘TO HELL WITH YOUR PERMITS’ and ‘NO BORDERS, NO PRISONS, NO PIPELINES ON STOLEN LAND.’ Dometrius has been charged with threats of terrorist acts, a felony, and three misdemeanors
(Submitted photo)

LINDSIDE, W.Va.  — Protesting the Mountain Valley Pipeline (MVP) in Monroe County has resulted in the first felony charge.

Andrea Preston, deputy circuit clerk for Monroe County Circuit Court, said Holden Dometrius, 22, was charged Thursday with threats of terrorist acts, a felony, after chaining himself to a piece of equipment in the pipeline’s path near Lindside.

He was also charged with three misdemeanors: trespassing, obstructing and injuring/tampering with a vehicle/special mobile equipment.

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