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Fairmont man inducted into W.Va. Agriculture and Forestry Hall of Fame after 40-year career

By Eric Cravey, Times West Virginian

FAIRMONT, W.Va. — Rudy Williams first became interested in the field of forestry because he had a couple of friends whose fathers were foresters.

After going on to have a four-decade career with the West Virginia Division of Forestry, Williams is now enshrined in the West Virginia Agriculture and Forestry Hall of Fame.

“His career has spanned multiple programs, counties, and districts allowing him to help landowners across the state in everything from wildfire control to the Tree Farm Program,” states Williams’ biography provided by the W.Va. Department of Agriculture. “… he is a founding member of the WV Envirothon Committee, still working with youth to help educate WV high school students in the practical science of environmental conservation and protection.”

A 1974 graduate of East Fairmont High, Williams enrolled in West Virginia University where he earned both a bachelors and a master’s degree in forestry.

Williams’ forestry career began in 1982 as a county forester in Tyler County, one of 20 counties in the Division of Forestry’s Region I.

From there, Williams went on to become a district forester in French Creek and, in 2001, went to work in the State Fire Program in Charleston. The Fairmont native took over Region I headquarters in Farmington in 2001.

“They left the gate open one night in Charleston and I was able to sneak back here,” Williams said, jokingly. “I’ve been here since.”

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