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Election Update: Sheet metal workers endorse Kessler

Kessler receives sixth labor endorsement in gubernatorial campaign

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The Sheet Metal Workers Local 33 (SMW) announced Friday that the organization is endorsing Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jeff Kessler for Governor:JeffKesslerLogo

SMW Local 33 Business Manager, Scott Mazzulli, says Kessler has always fought for the people and is the only choice for Governor.

“You will not find a stronger, better candidate for Labor than Jeff Kessler,” says Mazzulli. “Jeff Kessler has always stood alongside the hardworking men and women of West Virginia. When the immediate attacks on working families began two years ago, it was Jeff Kessler who stood in the trenches and fought for us. Jeff Kessler is our friend and we are proud to not only endorse, but also support him.”

Kessler says his record of fighting for the people and standing up for working families speaks for itself and he’s honored by this endorsement.

“I’ve always fought for West Virginians and have a long record of supporting working families,” said Kessler. “I fought the legislative leadership against “Right To Work” and to keep prevailing wage. I’ve spent my career standing with West Virginia’s working families and fighting to protect their rights against corporations, insurance companies and Wall Street. As your Governor, I will continue fighting for the hardworking men and women of West Virginia and I vow to put our people ahead of corporate interests.”

Sheet Metal Workers Local Union #33 represents over 4,500 skilled craftsmen throughout most of West Virginia. SMW Local #33 is an amalgamated local union of seven previously independent unions.

Today, SMW Local #33 services 9 major building trades counties, over 30 different major production agreements and several other specialty agreements that service our members and the sheet metal industry.

Kessler earlier received the endorsements of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 141, West Virginia School Service Personnel, United Food and Commercial Workers, West Virginia Bricklayers District Council and the Professional Fire Fighters of West Virginia.


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