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Edward Maguire II named WVDEP environmental advocate


CHARLESTON, W.Va. – West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection (WVDEP) Cabinet Secretary Austin Caperton today announced that Edward Maguire II will serve as the agency’s Environmental Advocate.

Maguire begins work on Feb. 1.

Since 1990, Maguire has served as the president and owner of The Highlands Group, Inc., a land broker and consulting company that specializes in the conservation of undeveloped properties in West Virginia. Most notably, Maguire served on the task force that helped secure more than 10,000 acres of land for the Summit Bechtel Reserve for the Boy Scouts of America. Maguire also recently assisted in the acquisition of more than 1,200 acres of land in the Gauley River Canyon on behalf of Young Life, an international non-denominational Christian ministry organization. Maguire also served on the board for the West Virginia Outdoor Heritage and Conservation Fund as the Conservation Committee Chairman.

The WVDEP Environmental Advocate’s Office assists citizens seeking information about the agency, helps citizens with environmental concerns, and fosters communication between the public and the agency.

“Ed Maguire has the big idea mentality that West Virginia needs right now,” said Caperton. “He has a proven track record of success working with numerous environmental and business groups, and he will be a great asset to this agency and to the citizens we serve.”

For more DEP news and information, go to Also, be sure to connect with the agency on all social media platforms. Follow @DEPWV on Twitter and find us on YouTube by searching “Environment Matters.” For specific information about our REAP (Rehabilitation Environmental Action Plan), West Virginia Project WET (Water Education for Teachers), West Virginia Watershed Improvement Branch, Youth Environmental Program and Human Resources initiatives, connect on Facebook.


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