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COMMENTARY: Mother’s Day should be celebrated all year


The Preston County News & Journal

This coming Sunday, we will all get the chance to celebrate our amazing, wonderful, beautiful Moms.

Each of us finds a different way to honor those special women in our lives who not only gave us life, but for most of us, continue to be our inspiration, shoulder to cry on, hand to hold and our loving, undaunted cheerleader.

John Dahlia, Editor

I often wonder what is the best way a person to honor his or her mother on Mother’s Day? What is the best way to say “thanks” to the person who brought you into this world? Do flowers do the trick? How about a special day out? I’m certain all of us have some sort of way to honor mom.

According to the National Retail Federation’s annual survey conducted by Prosper Insights & Analytics, consumers say they will spend more than ever on Mother’s Day this year as they shower moms with everything from jewelry to special outings at favorite restaurants.

Mother’s Day shoppers are expected to spend an average of $186.39 for the holiday, up from last year’s $172.22. With 85 percent of consumers surveyed celebrating the holiday, total spending is expected to reach $23.6 billion. That’s the highest number in the survey’s 14-year history, topping last year’s previous record of $21.4 billion.

Other than being one of the millions who ordered flowers for my own mother, there is another very special mother I’m buying for this year. The thing is, this particular mother is someone I’m trying to impress, which means whatever I do, it had better be very memorable.

But since my mom lives so far away, sending flowers are the perfect way for me to tell her “I love you and thanks for being my mom.”

No question about it —being a mother is the hardest job in existence. They wear so many hats on so many different occasions. Mothers are teachers and mentors, guiding and advising us through good and bad times. Mothers are coaches encouraging us to keep fighting and moving forward. Mothers are doctors, nurses and psychologists wrapped in one precious package. They heal our wounds, calm our nerves and stay strong for us when we are sick or hurt.

My mother is certainly all of the above, but I learned something else about her in the last couple years. She, like I suspect all mothers are, fiercely loyal to her children. She’s loyal to the point where she would move mountains to take away her children’s pain and suffering.

Over the course of the last two years working here in Preston County, I’ve had the opportunity to meet and even become friends with a handful of very special mothers. These amazing, strong women, all of whom are single parents, accomplish daily tasks most men could barely comprehend. I’ve seen these heroes love their sons and daughters unconditionally while juggling a career, homework, youth sports, cooking, cleaning and so much more. I’ve seen them endure incredible hardships completely alone and yet are somehow able to provide a happy, safe home for their children.

I’ve come to admire these fiercely loyal mothers who, in my humble opinion, deserve a Mother’s Day every day of the year.

I want to thank every special woman who proudly calls herself a “Mom.” Your love, kindness and support are greatly appreciated. But your loyalty is remarkable and should never be forgotten.

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