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Charleston postal center public meeting is back on; here’s what we know

Charleston Gazette-Mail

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — A public meeting about proposed changes to Charleston’s postal center is back on the calendar.

U.S. Postal Service officials posted on their website Thursday that the forum will be held at the Charleston Coliseum & Civic Center at 6:30 p.m. on Valentine’s Day, Feb. 14, in the facility’s theater. The USPS event was confirmed Thursday morning by Veronica Ratcliff, director of marketing and sales at the Coliseum & Civic Center.

USPS officials will take comments and discuss the updated proposal — detailed in an Initial Findings Document, also posted on their website — to the Charleston Processing and Distribution Center (P&DC), 1000 Centre Way in South Charleston.

Postal Service officials had scheduled a public meeting in Charleston for Jan. 30, but canceled it on Jan. 26, saying, “further time is needed to finalize any specific improvements we may undertake at the Charleston P&DC.”

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