The Dominion Post
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Here are some bills introduced March 15. The time to introduce House bills has passed. Senators can introduce bills through March 20. Local lead sponsors and co-sponsors are noted.
SB 605, to establish a procedure to elect state school board members, who are not appointed.
SB 610, to require all newly constructed, state assisted, detached single family houses, townhouses or multilevel dwelling units or ground-floor units in a building of three or fewer dwelling units to meet minimum standards of universal design for persons with disabilities. Sen. Roman Prezioso, D-Marion, lead sponsor; Sen. Bob Beach, D-Monongalia, co-sponsor.
SB 615, to limit the number of days legislators may receive pay during extended and special sessions. Prezioso, lead sponsor; Beach, co-sponsor.
The Senate Judiciary committee tweaked and approved a House bill to rename the Court of Claims on March 15.
HB 2447 was fast-tracked in both houses, with single references to the respective Judiciary committees. It passed the House along party line, 66-34, in late February.
As it came from the House, HB 2447 renames the court as the Claims Commission and retitles the three judges as commissioners.
The bill passed by voice vote. It now goes to the full Senate.
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