The Dominion Post
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Here are some bills, and one resolution, introduced on Feb. 20. Local lead sponsors and co-sponsors are noted.
HB 2002, to require parental notification of abortions performed on unemancipated minors. Delegate Cindy Frich, R-Monongalia, co-sponsor.
HB 2003, to create a new felony where a drug delivery leads to death.
HB 2542, to provide more flexibility in human resources and personnel to higher education. Among other things: strikes language mandating a temporary salary schedule and redefines classified and nonclassified employees; removes bumping rights based on seniority; gives WVU and MU the right to develop their own classification and compensation systems. Delegate Joe Statler, R-Monongalia, lead sponsor.
HB 2543, another bill to prevent the state Board of Education from implementing Common Core.
HB 2551, to require the state school board to create a public school Bible literacy course.
HB 2572, the resurrection of the charter schools bill.
HCR 14, to make the fiddle the official state musical instrument.
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