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Bids for Gazette-Mail won’t disclose plans for employees


Charleston Gazette-Mail

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Companies placing bids to purchase the Charleston Gazette-Mail won’t have to include provisions as to how they intend to treat current employees once they own the paper, a federal bankruptcy judge ruled Wednesday.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Frank Volk said he wanted to make sure all of the entities that place bids to purchase the Charleston Gazette-Mail were on even footing with Ogden Newspapers, the highest bidder leading up to bankruptcy proceedings.

Wednesday’s hearing was the second hearing in the bankruptcy case for Charleston Newspapers, which owns the Gazette-Mail and filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy on Jan. 30.

Other than removing the provision regarding treatment of current employees, Volk otherwise approved the 34-page order that laid out the provisions companies will have to follow to place bids to purchase the Gazette-Mail.

During the 30-minute hearing, Volk also set deadlines for procedures and notices for the bidding process.

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