W.Va. Legislative Committee Meeting Schedule – Subject to change
Watch WV Legislature Live each day at http://www.legis.state.wv.us/live.cfm
The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.
- SR 55: Designating March 28, 2017, as WVU and WVU Extension Service Day (Beach, Prezioso)
- SR 56: Congratulating WVU rifle team for winning 2017 National Championship (Beach, Prezioso)
- SR 57: Recognizing 200th anniversary of Sistersville Ferry (Maroney)
- SR 58: Recognizing centennial year of main structure at Parkersburg High School (Boley, Azinger, Beach)
- Eng. Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 60: Relating to eligibility and fraud requirements for public assistance (original similar to HB 2741)
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 74: Allowing fire departments to charge fees for service calls (original similar to HB2638)
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 217: Relating to disclaimers of warranties regarding used manufactured homes (original similar to HB 2464, HB 2578, SB 216)
- Eng. Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 281: Increasing number of limited video lottery machines allowed at retail location
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 376: Relating generally to Sex Offender Registration Act (original similar to HB 2915)
- Eng. SB 401: Allowing county board of education base employment decisions on individual’s qualifications
- Eng. SB 416: Relating to Public-Private Transportation Facilities Act (original similar to HB 2721)
- Eng. SB 417: Removing financial limitations on number of design-build projects undertaken by DOH (original similar to HB 2722)
- Eng. SB 421: Increasing amount of authorized federal Grant Anticipation Notes for which DOH may apply (original similar to HB 2878)
- Eng. SB 504: Defining “special aircraft property”
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 576: Providing exception to waste for certain oil and gas development (original similar to HB 3094)
- Eng. SB 578: Relating generally to copies of health care records furnished to patients
- Eng. Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 601: Relating to requirements for making consumer loans
- Eng. SB 621: Providing certain rules inapplicable after county board of education notifies state board of possible closing or consolidations
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 630: Establishing Accessibility and Equity in Public Education Enhancement Act
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 634: Relating generally to certain agreements between DHHR and state’s medical schools
- Com. Sub. for SB 647: Relating generally to additional county excise taxes on real property transfer (With right to amend) (original similar to HB2461, SB433)
- Eng. SB 686: Exempting facilities governed by DHHR that provide direct patient care
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2001: Relating to ethics and transparency in government – (With right to amend) (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2506: Relating to the permit limit calculations and allowing overlapping mixing zones for calculating permit limits for drinking water criteria
- Eng. HB 2774: Defining special aircraft property
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2868: Relating generally to Uniform Unclaimed Property Act (Com. title amend. pending)
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 38: Creating 5-year tax credit for new businesses locating on post-mine sites
- Com. Sub. for SB 40: Requiring inclusion of protocols for response to after-school emergencies in school crisis response plans
- Com. Sub. for SB 57: Continuing personal income tax adjustment for certain retirees
- Com. Sub. for SB 238: Increasing tax credits allowed for rehabilitation of certified historic structures (original similar to HB 2416, SB 323)
- SB 282: Directing Office of Administrative Hearings to amend current legislative rule relating to appeal procedures
- Com. Sub. for SB 286: Relating to grandparents’ visitation rights (original similar to HB 2547)
- SB 293: Providing increase in annual salary of employees in Division of Corrections
- SB 294: Relating to Community Sustainability Investment Pilot Program
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 333: Requiring all DHHR-licensed facilities access WV Controlled Substances Monitoring Program Database
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 343: Relating to transportation network companies
- Com. Sub. for SB 369: Permitting surface owners purchase mineral interests when interest becomes tax lien (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
- Com. Sub. for SB 375: Relating to rate and measure of severance taxes on certain natural resources
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 399: Prohibiting political subdivisions from enacting local ordinances regulating benefits employers provide to employees
- Com. Sub. for SB 402: Relating to covenants not to compete between physicians and hospitals
- Com. Sub. for SB 406: Relating to generic drug products
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 409: Relating generally to 2017 Tax Reform Act
- Com. Sub. for SB 446: Authorizing Governor issue executive orders to furlough state employees (original similar to HB 2879)
- Com. Sub. for SB 465: Relating to medical professional liability
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 469: Prohibiting waste of game animals, birds or fish
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 482: Relating generally to WV Parkways Authority (original similar to HB 2803)
- Com. Sub. for SB 484: Relating generally to taxation (original similar to HB 2816)
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 501: Relating to WV Economic Development Authority (original similar to HB 3086)
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 507: Allowing pharmacists inform customers about lower cost alternatives to prescribed drugs
- Com. Sub. for SB 515: Relating to parole requirements for hearings and release
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 521: Relating generally to Public Defender Services
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 526: Requiring mandatory insurance coverage for inherited enzymatic disorders
- Com. Sub. for SB 534: Relating to incentives for consolidating local governments
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 549: Allowing individuals at least 21 or older operate or ride motorcycle without helmet (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
- Com. Sub. for SB 563: Relating to Consumer Credit and Protection Act
- Com. Sub. for SB 588: Relating to reproduction, distribution and sale of tax maps
- Com. Sub. for SB 606: Relating to minimum wage and maximum hours for employees
- Com. Sub. for SB 609: Creating additional flexibility for school systems in use of school aid funds (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
- SB 613: Relating to composition of State Fire Commission
- Com. Sub. for SB 636: Authorizing State Fire Commission establish program to address problems facing VFDs
- Com. Sub. for SB 637: Relating to private club operations requirements
- Com. Sub. for SB 656: Relating to Student Data Accessibility, Transparency and Accountability Act
- SB 664: Removing limitation on amount counties collect on hotel occupancy tax
- SB 667: Limiting authority of Attorney General to disclose certain information provided by Tax Commissioner
- SB 687: Relating generally to coal mining, safety and environmental protection (original similar to HB 2506, HB 3029, SB 246, SB 582)
- SB 688: Correcting technical error within Solid Waste Management Act
- SB 689: Relating to payment of small claims by DOH (original similar to HB 2608, HB 2977)
- SB 690: Authorizing WV State Police impose and collect fees for agencies and entities using their facilities (original similar to HB 2149, HB 2316, HB 2507)
- SB 691: All relating to off-road vehicles
- SB 693: Creating WV Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SJR 6: Roads to Prosperity Amendment of 2017 (original similar to HJR 22)
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2459: Relating to regulation of health care and the certificate of need process (Com. amend. pending)
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2679: Relating to the possession of firearms in parks and park facilities (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2721: Removing the cost limitation on projects completed by the Division of Highways
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2722: Eliminating the financial limitations on utilizing the design-build program for highway construction
- Eng. HB 3106: Relating to increasing the number of limited video lottery terminals
9 a.m.: Judiciary (208W)
- SB 673: Providing procedure for WV to select delegates to Article V convention
- SB 562: Relating to civil actions for damages brought against county commissions and municipalities
- SJR 4: County Economic Development Amendment
- SJR 8: Fair and Simple Tax Reform or FASTR amendment
9:30 a.m.: Finance (451M)
- SB 692: Authorizing dedication of fee on certain managed timberland to Volunteer and Part-Volunteer Fire Departments Fee Fund
2 p.m.: Government Organization (208W)
- HB 2767: Authorizing the Secretary of State to transmit electronic versions of undeliverable mail to the circuit clerks
- HB 2427: Requiring agencies listed in the online state phone directory to update certain employee information
- HB 2446: Relating to the requirement that all executive branch agencies maintain a website that contains specific information
- HB 2676: Transferring the Security office under the Division of Culture and History to the Division of Protective Services
- HB 2796: Relating to the West Virginia National Guard entering into contracts and subcontracts for specialized technical services
2 p.m.: Education (451M)
- HB 2571: Developing a resource for use by parents to monitor and track deaf and hard-of-hearing children’s expressive and receptive language acquisition
- HB 2706: Authorizing legislative rules regarding higher education
3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)
- HB 2219: Authorizing miscellaneous boards and agencies to promulgate legislative rules
- HB 2329: Prohibiting the production, manufacture or possession of fentanyl
- HB 2364: Prohibiting electioneering within or near early voting locations during early voting periods
- HB 2303: Increasing criminal penalties for littering
- HB 2404: Barring persons who are convicted of certain criminal offenses from acquiring property from their victims
- SB 386: Creating WV Medical Cannabis Act
House to convene at 9 a.m.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2002<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2109<http://www.legis.state.
* H. B. 2188<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2196<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2376<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2453<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2520<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2552<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2561<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2589<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2654<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2704<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2711<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2720<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2771<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2776<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2781<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2794<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2804<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2815<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2816<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2817<http://www.legis.state.
* H. B. 2878<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2887<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2897<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2930<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2933<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2941<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2961<http://www.legis.state.
* H. B. 2962<http://www.legis.state.
* H. B. 2963<http://www.legis.state.
* H. B. 2967<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 3006<http://www.legis.state.
* H. B. 3022<http://www.legis.state.
* H. B. 3037<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 3048<http://www.legis.state.
* H. B. 3088<http://www.legis.state.
* H. B. 3091<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 3095<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 3102<http://www.legis.state.
* H. B. 3107<http://www.legis.state.
* H. B. 3108<http://www.legis.state.
* H. B. 3109<http://www.legis.state.
SECOND READING – Amendment Stage
* Com. Sub. for S. B. 437<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2129<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2195<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2363<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2428<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2483<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2708<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2759<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2851<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 3062<http://www.legis.state.
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 3080<http://www.legis.state.
Committee on the Judiciary – 12:01 a.m. – Room 410M
* SB 684<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 239<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB230<http://www.legis.state.
* SB 256<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 442<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 497<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 554<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 222<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 255<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 531<http://www.legis.state.wv.
8:45 a.m. – Room 410M
* SB 4<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 5<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 76<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 173<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 202<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 204<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 206<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 212<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 214<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 219<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 220<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 224<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 225<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 240<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 344<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 358<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 398<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 454<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 468<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 500<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 505<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 575<http://www.legis.state.wv.
* SB 581<http://www.legis.state.wv.
***Break for Floor Session***
15 minutes after floor session – Room 410M – Continuation of bills from morning agenda.
Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources – 8:30 a.m. – Room 215E
Agriculture bills before Committee:
* Eng. SB25<http://www.legis.state.
Natural Resources bills before Committee:
* Eng. Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. SB345<http://www.legis.state.
* Eng. Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. SB308<http://www.legis.state.
* Eng. SB28<http://www.legis.state.
* Eng. S B325<http://www.legis.state.
* Eng. Com. Sub. for SB473<http://www.legis.state.
Committee on Rules – 8:45 a.m. – Behind Chamber