W.Va. Legislative Committee Meeting Schedule – Subject to change
Watch WV Legislature Live each day at http://www.legis.state.wv.us/live.cfm
The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.
- SCR 35: Urging Congress reassess federal definition of industrial hemp
- SCR 36: Requesting study of potential alternatives to current recycling methods for municipalities
- SCR 37: Urging DOT use existing signage on highways to display appropriate highway safety messages
- Eng. SB 25: Creating farm-to-food bank tax credit (original similar to HB 2821)
- Eng. SB 256: Relating to prohibiting aiding and abetting of sexual abuse by school personnel (Com. title amend. pending)
- Eng. SB 326: Requiring Department of Defense family advocacy groups be notified about abuse or neglect of military member’s child
- Eng. SB 364: Incorporating changes to Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 440: Relating to use of Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority funds
- Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 455: Relating generally to commitment of persons to custody of Commissioner of Corrections (original similar to HB 2747)
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2167: Creating a Silver Alert program for senior citizens (Com. title amend. pending)
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2542: Relating to public higher education personnel
- Eng. HB 2590: Updating the meaning of federal taxable income and certain other terms used in the West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act
- Eng. HB 2594: Updating the meaning of federal adjusted gross income and certain other terms used in the West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act
- SB 28: Creating new system for certain contiguous counties to establish regional recreation authorities (Amend. and title amend. pending) (original similar to HB2697)
- Com. Sub. for SB 187: Providing for confidentiality of patients’ medical records
- Com. Sub. for SB 255: Relating to filling vacancies on county commissions and other county offices
- Com. Sub. for SB 302: Supplemental appropriation of federal funds from Treasury to Division of Human Services (original similar to HB 2500)
- Com. Sub. for SB 303: Supplemental appropriation of public moneys from Treasury to DHHR (original similar to HB 2640)
- Com. Sub. for SB 306: Supplemental appropriation of federal funds from Treasury to Workforce West Virginia (original similar to HB 2499)
- Com. Sub. for SB 454: Providing more efficient collection and submission of state moneys received from court transactions or court services (original similar to HB 2731, HB 2737)
- SB 466: Calculating state share of gross profits from limited video lottery revenues at 50 percent
- Com. Sub. for SB 497: Relating to liability for health care providers who provide services at school athletic events
- Com. Sub. for SB 531: Relating to renewal date for apiary certificates of registration
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 186: Adjusting date when children become eligible for certain school programs and school attendance requirements (original similar to HB 2478)
- Com. Sub. for SB 192: Relating generally to licensed surveyors
- Com. Sub. for SB 413: Relating to bids on government construction contracts
- Com. Sub. for SB 471: Relating to state ownership of wildlife
- Com. Sub. for SB 474: Exempting names of licensed hunters from public disclosure
- SB 495: Relating to regulation of events by State Athletic Commission
- SB 524: Relating to WV academic standards
- SB 536: Authorizing tracking of wounded or injured bear or deer
- Com. Sub. for SB 575: Limiting nuisance actions against shooting ranges for noise
10 a.m.: Transportation and Infrastructure (451M)
- SB 15: Eliminating sunset on DOH public-private partnerships
- SB 477: Increasing State Road Fund by raising DMV fees and motor fuel excise taxes
- Originating Senate Bill: Relating to increasing fines for certain traffic violations
- Senate Concurrent Resolutions
- SCR 5: US Army PFC John Ira Pinkerman Memorial Bridge
- SCR 8: Donnie Adkins Memorial Bridge
- SCR 11: USMC Lance Corporal Edwin Russell ‘Snook’ Danhart Memorial Bridge
- SCR 14: US Army PVT Oren J. “Junior” Johnson Memorial Bridge
- SCR 17: John Hancock Hall Memorial Bridge
- SCR 18: US Marine CPL Walter Vincent Filipek Memorial Bridge
- SCR 21: US Army CPL Daniel Frederick Mehringer Memorial Bridge
- SCR 22: Walter E. Swiger Memorial Bridge
- SCR 28: US Army SPC4 Randall W. Arbogast Memorial Road
- SCR 15: Herbert “Herb” Linkous Bridge
- SCR 19: Blue Demon Bridge
1 p.m.: Energy, Industry and Mining (208W)
- SB 582: Relating generally to coal mining, coal mining safety and environment protection
1 p.m.: Health and Human Resources (451M)
- SB 457: Eliminating WV Health Care Authority
- SB 36: Permitting school nurses to possess and administer opioid antagonists
- SB 27: Relating to microprocessor permit
2 p.m.: Government Organization (208W)
- SB 500: Relating to Medicaid fraud and abuse
- SB 523: Converting to biweekly pay cycle for state employees
- SB 453: Adding classification and base salaries of certain civilian employees of WV State Police Forensic Laboratory
- SB 480: Authorizing local government adopt energy efficiency partnership programs
- SB 412: Relating to WV Jobs Act reporting requirements
2 p.m.: Education (451M)
- SB 537: Relating to exemptions from mandated immunizations
- SB 527: Relating to traumatic brain injury
3 p.m.: Judiciary (208W)
- HB 2028: Relating to the venue for suits and other actions against the state
- SB 581: Relating generally to administration of trusts
- SB 308: Clarifying administrative and law-enforcement activities of DNR police officers are important to conservation and management of state’s fish and wildlife
- SB 554: Relating to false swearing in legislative proceeding
- SB 559: Relating to limited video lottery
3 p.m.: Finance (451M)
- SB 437: Discontinuing WV Greyhound Breeding Development Fund
- SB 486: Relating to Health Care provider taxes
- SB 547: Modifying fees paid to Secretary of State
- SB 565: Authorizing City of South Charleston levy special district excise tax
Senate Bills to be Introduced Tuesday, March 14, 2017
- SB 597: Relating to procurement of technical infrastructure (Blair; Gov Org)
- SB 598: Allowing Tax Commissioner perform background investigations on employees and contractors (Hall; Gov Org)
- SB 599: Requiring transfer of juvenile to correctional facility or regional jail on age 18 (FN) (Miller, Beach, Jeffries, Karnes, Palumbo, Plymale, Prezioso, Romano, Stollings, Unger; Judiciary then Finance)
- SB 600: Relating generally to accredited academic hospitals (Gaunch, Palumbo, Stollings, Takubo; Health & Human Resources)
- SB 601: Adjusting limits on consumer loans for which certain finance charges may be imposed (Gaunch; Banking & Insurance then Judiciary)
- SB 602: Creating uniform system of recording and indexing fictitious names used by sole proprietors (Blair; Gov Org)
- SB 603: Authorizing method for collection and remittance of property taxes on dealers’ heavy equipment inventory (Gaunch; Judiciary)
- SB 604: Terminating Licensed Racetrack Modernization Fund after obligations paid (FN) (Azinger, Cline, Mullins; Finance)
- SR 35: Congratulating Wirt High School wrestling team for 2017 Class A state championship (Boley)
- SR 36: Designating March 14, 2017, at WV State University Day (Gaunch, Jeffries)
* (FN) indicates the bill has a Fiscal Note
Committee Action on Bills from Monday, March 13, 2017
Select Committee on Tax Reform
- SB 335: Repealing consumers sales and service tax, use tax and personal income tax
- Passed; to Finance
Natural Resources
- SB 380: Creating 2-year pilot program to allow all-terrain or recreational vehicles in Cabwaylingo State Forest
- Passed; to Government Organization
- SB 472: Permitting bear hunting with guides
- Passed; to be reported to the floor
Banking and Insurance
- SB 434: Relating to WV Insurance Guaranty Association Act
- Passed; to Judiciary
- SB 522: Relating to audit procedures for pharmacy benefit managers
- Passed; to be reported to the floor
- HB 2678: Changing the amounts of prejudgment and post-judgment interest to reflect today’s economic conditions
- Reconsidered; Passed; to be reported to the floor
- SB 581: Relating generally to administration of trusts
- Bill is laid over to a future meeting
- SB 554: Relating to false swearing in legislative proceeding
- Bill is laid over to a future meeting
- SB 559: Relating to limited video lottery
- Bill is laid over to a future meeting
- SB 219: Relating to conspiracy to commit crimes under Uniform Controlled Substances Act
- Passed; to be reported to the floor
- SB 16: Repealing section related to wind power projects
- Passed; to be reported to the floor
- SB 443: Establishing Adult Drug Court Participation Fund
- Passed; to be reported to the floor
- SB 444: Establishing Court Advanced Technology Subscription Fund
- Passed; to be reported to the floor
The House will convene at 11 a.m.
* H. C. R. 5 – U. S. Navy Rear Admiral Frederick Burdett Warder Memorial Bridge
* H. C. R. 6 – U.S. Army SPC 4 Thurman ‘Duwayne’ Young Memorial Road
* H. C. R. 13 – U.S. Army SSG Brian Curtis Rogers Memorial Bridge
* H. C. R. 36 – U.S. Army PFC John Ira Pinkerman Memorial Bridge
* Com. Sub. for H. C. R. 37 – U.S. Army SPC William L. Amos Memorial Bridge
* H. C. R. 60 – William “Bill” R. VanGilder Memorial Bridge
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2007<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2007&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Eliminating courtesy patrol programs
* H. B. 2119<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2119&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Repealing West Virginia Health Benefit Exchange Act
* H. B. 2518<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2518&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Creating a legislative rule to permit a pharmacist or pharmacy intern to administer certain immunizations [Restricted Right to Amend by Delegates Folk, Ellington, Summers, Howell and Arvon]
SECOND READING – Amendment Stage
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2538<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2538&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Relating to the licensure of physician assistants
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2618<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2618&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Relating to body mass index
* S. B. 330<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=330&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Relating to WV Workplace Freedom Act (Judiciary Committee Amendment Pending)
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2373<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2373&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Authorizing school bus drivers trained in administration of epinephrine auto-injectors to administer auto-injectors
* H. B. 2427<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2427&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Requiring agencies listed in the online state phone directory to update certain employee information
* H. B. 2446<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2446&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Relating to the requirement that all executive branch agencies maintain a website that contains specific information
* H. B. 2522<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2522&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Nurse licensure compact
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2601<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2601&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Relating to municipal policemen’s or municipal firemen’s pension and relief funds
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2603<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2603&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Relating to municipal policemen’s or firemen’s pension and relief funds that are funded at one hundred and twenty-five percent or more
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2631<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2631&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Relating to time standards for disposition of complaint proceedings
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2649<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2649&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Adding violations of law upon which a public servant’s retirement plan may be forfeited
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2683<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2683&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Relating to West Virginia Insurance Guaranty Association Act
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2792<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2792&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Requiring the Library Commission to survey the libraries of the state
* H. B. 2796<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2796&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Relating to the West Virginia National Guard entering into contracts and subcontracts for specialized technical services
Public Hearing Scheduled: Committee on Health & Human Resources, 2 p.m. – Room 215E
* Com. Sub. for S. B. 347<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=347&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Relating to modernization of Physician Assistant Practice Act.
Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources – 9 a.m. – Room 215E
Agriculture bills before Committee:
* HB2552<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2552&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Increasing the pet food registration fee and directing that the additional money be deposited into the West Virginia Spay Neuter Assistance Fund.
* HB2790<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2790&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Transferring the Division of Forestry from the Department of Commerce to the Department of Agriculture.
* HB 2821<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2821&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, WV Farm-to-Food Bank Tax Credit
Natural Resources bills before Committee:
* HB2679<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2679&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Relating to the possession of firearms in parks and park facilities.
* SB410<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=410&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Relating to marking traps with DNR identification tag.
* Originating Bill: Relating to exempting Division of Natural Resources’ contracts for revenue-producing facilities and exempting agreements and contracts for Prickett’s Fort.
Committee on Industry & Labor – 10 a.m. – Room 215E
* House Bill 2776<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2776&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Creating of special revenue funding sources for the Division of Labor
* House Bill 2897<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2897&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Raising the amount required for competitive bidding of construction contracts by the state and its subdivisions
* House Bill 2857<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2857&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, West Virginia Safer Workplaces Act
Committee on Rules – 10:45 a.m. – Behind Chamber
Committee on Political Subdivisions – 1 p.m. – Room 434M
* House Bill 2109<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2109&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Relating to the West Virginia Land Reuse Agency Authorization Act
* House Bill 2209<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2209&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Limiting the authority of municipalities to regulate the purchasing, possessing, transferring, owning, carrying, transporting, selling and storing of knives
* House Bill 2444<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2444&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Requiring county commissions to maintain websites with specific information
* House Bill 2754<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2754&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Relating to fire fees on nonresidents of a municipality
* House Bill 2888<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2888&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Removing the restriction on liquor licensees from having speakers outside or playing music outdoors
* House Bill 2654<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2654&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Expanding county commissions’ ability to dispose of county or district property
Bills to be introduced: