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Around the Rotunda: Legislative, Committee Schedule for Thursday, March 16

W.Va. Legislative Committee Meeting Schedule – Subject to change

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Thursday, March 16, 2017


The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.




  • SCR 39: US Army PFC Kelva H. Justice Memorial Road
  • SCR 40: Requesting study on available funds for improvements at Beech Fork State Park and Cacapon Resort State Park
  • SCR 41: US Army PV2 Mandvial S. “Bunker” Bias Memorial Bridge




  • Eng. Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 186: Adjusting date when children become eligible for certain school programs and school attendance requirements (original similar to HB 2478)
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 192: Relating generally to licensed surveyors
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 413: Relating to bids on government construction contracts
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 471: Relating to state ownership of wildlife
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 474: Exempting names of licensed hunters from public disclosure
  • Eng. SB 495: Relating to regulation of events by State Athletic Commission
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 531: Relating to renewal date for apiary certificates of registration
  • Eng. SB 536: Authorizing tracking of wounded or injured bear or deer
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for SB 575: Limiting nuisance actions against shooting ranges for noise



  • Com. Sub. for SB 255: Relating to filling vacancies on county commissions and other county offices
  • SB 443: Establishing Adult Drug Court Participation Fund (original similar to HB 2766)
  • SB 444: Establishing Court Advanced Technology Subscription Fund (original similar to HB 2765)
  • Com. Sub. for SB 522: Relating to pharmacy audits
  • SB 524: Relating to WV academic standards
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2678: Changing the amounts of prejudgment and post-judgment interest to reflect today’s economic conditions


  • Com. Sub. for SB 16: Repealing section related to wind power projects
  • Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 308: Clarifying administrative and law-enforcement activities of DNR police officers are important to conservation and management of state’s fish and wildlife
  • Com. Sub. for SB 500: Relating to Medicaid fraud and abuse
  • SB 554: Relating to false swearing in legislative proceeding
  • Com. Sub. for SB 559: Relating to limited video lottery
  • Com. Sub. for SB 581: Relating generally to administration of trusts (original similar to HB 2978)
  • SB 620: Relating to traffic regulations
  • Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2028: Relating to the venue for suits and other actions against the state (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)



Committee Schedule:


9:30 a.m.: Finance (451M)

  • Committee Substitute for SB 362: Authorizing redirection of certain amounts to General Revenue Fund
  • Committee Substitute for SB 461: Exempting WV State Police from state purchasing requirements
  • SB 464: Eliminating taxation on annuity consideration received by life insurer
  • Committee Substitute for Committee Substitute for SB 486: Relating to health care provider taxes
  • SB 547: Modifying fees paid to Secretary of State
  • SB 565: Authorizing City of South Charleston levy special district excise tax


1 p.m.: Health & Human Resources (451M)

  • SB 457: Eliminating WV Health Care Authority
  • HB 2509: Relating to the practice of telemedicine
  • SB 36: Permitting school nurses to possess and administer opioid antagonists
  • SB 27: Relating to microprocessor permit
  • HB 2300: Regulating step therapy protocols


1 p.m.: Energy, Industry & Mining (208W)

  • SB 583: Abolishing Office of Environmental Advocate within DEP


2 p.m.: Government Organization (208W)

  • SB 453: Adding classification and base salaries of certain civilian employees of WV State Police Forensic Laboratory
  • SB 499: Creating Debt Resolution Services Division in Auditor’s office
  • SB 523: Converting to biweekly for state employees
  • SB 480: Authorizing local government adopt energy efficiency partnership programs
  • SB 339: Creating Legislative Coalition on Chronic Pain Management
  • SB 360: Creating Legislative Coalition on Diabetes Management
  • SB 398: Creating Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners Act
  • SB 564: Relating to Statewide Independent Living Council
  • SB 412: Relating to WV Jobs Act reporting requirements


3 p.m. Judiciary (208W)

  • SB 399: Prohibiting political subdivisions from enacting local ordinances regulating benefits employers provide to employees
  • SB 548: Providing for specific escheat of US savings bonds
  • SB 216: Prohibiting exclusion, modifications or limitation of warranty or remedy in sale of used motor vehicles




Thursday, March 16, 2017  


The House will convene at 11 a.m.



*         H. C. R. 15 – Requesting Congress to fully support the National Park Service’s recommendations to extend the Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail to include additional sites along the Expedition’s Eastern Legacy

*         H. C. R. 24 – SGT. Eugene E. Arbogast Memorial Bridge

*         H. C. R. 59 – USMC LCpl Timothy J. Dunnigan Memorial Intersection

*         H. C. R. 82 – U.S. Marine Sergeant David Paul McCord Memorial Bridge

*         H. C. R. 83 – U.S. Army SPC John R. Tennant Memorial Bridge


*         Com. Sub. for S. B. 301<> – Supplemental appropriation of federal funds from Treasury to State Board of Education, School Lunch Program

*         S. B. 330<> – Relating to WV Workplace Freedom Act

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2373<> – Authorizing school bus drivers trained in administration of epinephrine auto-injectors to administer auto-injectors

*         H. B. 2427<> – Requiring agencies listed in the online state phone directory to update certain employee information

*         H. B. 2446<> – Relating to the requirement that all executive branch agencies maintain a website that contains specific information

*         H. B. 2522<> – Nurse licensure compact

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2601<> – Relating to municipal policemen’s or municipal firemen’s pension and relief funds

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2603<> – Relating to municipal policemen’s or firemen’s pension and relief funds that are funded at one hundred and twenty-five percent or more

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2631<> – Relating to time standards for disposition of complaint proceedings

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2649<> – Adding violations of law upon which a public servant’s retirement plan may be forfeited

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2683<> – Relating to West Virginia Insurance Guaranty Association Act

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2792<> – Requiring the Library Commission to survey the libraries of the state

*         H. B. 2796<> – Relating to the West Virginia National Guard entering into contracts and subcontracts for specialized technical services

SECOND READING – Amendment Stage

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2546<> – Allowing replacement costs of employer provided property to be deducted from an employee’s final paycheck if the property is not returned

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2555<> – Relating to tax credits for apprenticeship training in construction trades

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2586<> – Relating to required minimum distribution of retirement benefits of plans administered by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2676<> – Transferring the Security office under the Division of Culture and History to the Division of Protective Services

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2694<> – Relating to the development and implementation of a program to facilitate commercial sponsorship of rest areas

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2739<> – Relating to supplemental Medicaid provider reimbursement

*         H. B. 2766<> – Establishing a new special revenue fund, designated the Adult Drug Court Participation Fund

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2811<> – Relating to the definition of above ground storage tanks

*         H. B. 2833<> – Specifying the contents and categories of information for inclusion in annual reports

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2839<> – Updating the procedures for legislative review of departments and licensing boards

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2852<> – Relating to the preparation of a comprehensive annual financial report

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2868<> – Relating generally to Uniform Unclaimed Property Act

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2898<> – Authorizing the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to request and obtain criminal background checks of employees of the Legislature

*         Com. Sub. for H. B. 2916<> – Authorizing certain first responders to carry firearms

Public Bill Presentation: Committee on the Judiciary – 8:30 a.m. – House Chamber

*         Presentation on HB 3093<>, Establishing Broadband Enhancement and Expansion Policies


Committee Schedule:


Committee on Agriculture & Natural Resources – 9 a.m. – Room 434M

Agriculture bills before Committee:

*         HB2790<>, Transferring the Division of Forestry from the Department of Commerce to the Department of Agriculture.
Natural Resources bills before Committee:

*         HB3101<>, Relating to fishing within 200 feet of agency personnel stocking fish in public waters; criminal penalties — Originating Bill.

*         HB3020<>, Relating to criminal penalties for the offenses of hunting, trapping or fishing on the lands of another person.

Committee on Banking & Insurance – 10 a.m. – Room 215E

*         House Bill 2851<>, Updating fee structure provisions for broker-dealers

*         House Bill 2871<>, Eliminating the mandated employer versus employee cost share of eighty percent employer, twenty percent employee for Public Employee Insurance Agency

Committee on Rules – 10:45 a.m. – Behind Chamber

Committee on Senior Citizen Issues – 1 p.m. – Room 215E

*         House Bill 2848<>, Livable Home Tax Credit

*         Presentation by Gaylene Miller, State Director, AARP WV

Committee on Energy – 2 p.m. – Room 418M
** Agenda to be posted. **

Committee on Health & Human Resources – 2 p.m. – Room 215E

*         HB 2002<> – Relating to parental notification of abortions performed on unemancipated minors (2nd reference to Judiciary)

*         HB 3009<> – Relating to access by the Office of Health Facility Licensure and Certification to the Controlled Substances Monitoring Program database (2nd JUD)


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