W.Va. Legislative Committee Meeting Schedule – Subject to change
Watch WV Legislature Live each day at http://www.legis.state.wv.us/live.cfm
The Senate will convene at 11 a.m.
- SR 42: Designating March 20, 2017, as International Pageant Day
- SR 43: Recognizing Homer Hickam
- SCR 43: Eugene Lee “Gene” Burner Memorial Bridge
- SCR 44: Tug Valley Students Memorial Bridge
- Eng. Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 290: Authorizing operators of distillery or mini-distillery offer for purchase and consumption of liquor on Sundays
- Eng. SB 608: Clarifying lawful business structures are unaffected by enactment of prohibitory legislation
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 27: Relating to microprocessor permit (original similar to HB 2458)
- Com. Sub. for SB 36: Permitting school nurses to possess and administer opioid antagonists
- Com. Sub. for SB 216: Permitting exclusion, modification or limitation of warranties in sale of used motor vehicles (original similar to HB 2578, SB 217)
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 219: Relating to conspiracy to commit crimes under Uniform Controlled Substances Act (original similar to HB 2541)
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 341: Establishing WV business growth in low-income communities tax credit
- SB 468: Removing restrictions on where traditional lottery games may be played
- Com. Sub. for SB 480: Authorizing local government adopt energy efficiency partnership programs
- SB 547: Modifying fees paid to Secretary of State
- Com. Sub. for SB 548: Providing for specific escheat of US savings bonds
- SB 564: Relating to Statewide Independent Living Council
- Eng. HB 2300: Regulating step therapy protocols
- Eng. Com. Sub. for HB 2447: Renaming the Court of Claims the state Claims Commission (Com. amend. and title amend. pending)
- Eng. HB 2766: Establishing a new special revenue fund, designated the Adult Drug Court Participation Fund
- Com. Sub. for SB 243: Relating to domestic relations (original similar to SB 317)
- Com. Sub. for SB 288: Increasing penalty for crime of child abuse causing death by parent, guardian, custodian or other person
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 339: Creating Legislative Coalition on Chronic Pain Management
- Com. Sub. for Com. Sub. for SB 360: Creating Legislative Coalition on Diabetes Management
- Com. Sub. for SB 398: Creating Emergency Volunteer Health Practitioners Act
9 a.m.: Select Committee on Tax Reform (451M)
- SJR 8: Fair and Simple Tax Reform or FASTR amendment
9:30 a.m.: Finance Subcommittee on SB 335 (451M)
- SB 335: Creating the 2017 Tax Reform Act
10:30 a.m.: Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on HB 2001 (Judiciary Committee Conference Room)
- HB 2001: Relating to ethics and transparency in government
2 p.m.: Banking and Insurance (451M)
- SB 507: Allowing pharmacists inform customers about lower cost alternatives to prescribed drugs
- HB 2619: Risk Management and Own Risk and Solvency Assessment Act
- SB 601: Adjusting limits on consumer loans for which certain finance charges may be imposed
3 p.m.: Judiciary
- SB 539: Making significant revisions to law regulating election financing
- SB 406: Relating to generic drug products
- SB 538: Requiring parolees engage in alcohol or drug therapy as condition of parole
- SB 76: Creating WV Second Chance for Employment Act
3 p.m.: Finance
- Com. Sub. for SB 61: Providing consumers sales and service tax and use tax exemption for certain services and tangible personal property sold for repair, remodeling and maintenance of aircraft
- SB 504: Defining “special aircraft property” for property tax purposes.
- SB 374: Relating to computing retirement benefits for certain members of Legislature
- Com. Sub. for SB 238: Increasing tax credits allowed for rehabilitation of certified historic structures
- SB 464: Eliminating taxation on annuity consideration received by life insurer
- Com. Sub. for SB 419: Creating special revenue fund sources for Division of Labor to meet statutory obligations
The House will convene at 11 a.m.
* Com. Sub. for S. B. 302<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=302&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Supplemental appropriation of federal funds from Treasury to Division of Human Services
* H. B. 2833<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2833&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Specifying the contents and categories of information for inclusion in annual reports
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2898<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2898&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Authorizing the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to request and obtain criminal background checks of employees of the Legislature
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2916<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2916&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Authorizing certain first responders to carry firearms
SECOND READING – Amendment Stage
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2402<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2402&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Relating to abandoned antique vehicles
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2471<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2471&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Relating to insurance coverage for breast cancer screening
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2637<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2637&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Relating to employment of retired teachers and prospective employable professional personnel in areas of critical need and shortage
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2738<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2738&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Providing flexibility in the transfer process of school personnel
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2767<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2767&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Authorizing the Secretary of State to transmit electronic versions of undeliverable mail to the circuit clerks
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2797<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2797&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Codifying statutory immunity for government agencies and officials from actions of third-parties using documents or records
* H. B. 2798<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2798&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Clarifying provisions relating to candidates unaffiliated with a political party
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2828<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2828&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Changing the number of strikes in jury selection in felony cases
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 3030<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=3030&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Relating to appeals as a matter of right in the West Virginia Supreme Court of Appeals
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2702<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2702&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Relating to excused absences for personal illness from school
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2827<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2827&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Updating the all payor claims database
* Com. Sub. for H. B. 2840<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2840&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Reorganizing the departments, agencies and commissions within the executive branch of state government
* H. B. 2856<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2856&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> – Declaring public policy and legislative intent for improving the marketing, quality and frequency of passenger rail service of the Cardinal Passenger Train
Public Hearing: – Committee on the Judiciary – 8:30 a.m. – House Chamber
* H. B. 2002<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2002&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Relating to parental notification of abortions performed on unemancipated minors.
Committee on the Judiciary – Following 8:30 a.m. Public Hearing – Room 410M
* HB 2850<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2850&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> Relating to product liability actions
* HB 2966<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2966&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> Creating the West Virginia Sentencing Commission
* HB 2520<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2520&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> Prohibiting the use of a tanning device by a person under the age of eighteen
* HB 2679<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2679&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> Relating to the possession of firearms in parks and park facilities
* HB 2752<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2752&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> Relating to abuse and neglect of livestock
* HB 2002<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2002&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> Relating to parental notification of abortions performed on unemancipated minors
* HB 3018<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=3018&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> Adding definition of correctional employee to the list of persons against whom an assault is a felony
* HB 2383<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2383&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> Providing for the redistricting office of the Joint Committee on Government and Finance to propose redistricting plans during census years
** Break for 11 a.m. floor session **
Following 11 a.m. Floor Session – Room 410M
* Continuation of bills from morning session
** NOTE – The following may be added to the agenda pending subcommittee reports:
* HB 2730<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2730&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> West Virginia Clearance for Access: Registry and Employment Screening Act
* HB 2781<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2781&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> Requiring a person desiring to vote to present documentation identifying the voter to one of the poll clerks
* HB 2930<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2930&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> Allowing powerball winners to remain anonymous
* HB 2986<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2986&year=2017&sessiontype=RS> Relating to involuntary custody of nonresidents for a mental hygiene examination
Committee on Rules – 10:45 a.m. – Behind Chamber
Committee on Finance – 2 p.m. – Room 460M
* H. B. 2709<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2709&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Authorizing the City of South Charleston to levy a special district excise tax.
* H. B. 2805<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2805&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Finding and declaring certain claims against the state and its agencies to be moral obligations of the state.
* H. B. 2871<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2871&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Eliminating the mandated employer versus employee cost share of eighty percent employer, twenty percent employee for Public Employee Insurance Agency.
* H. B. 2366<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2366&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Relating to selling Jackie Withrow Hospital.
* H. B. 2734<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2734&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Authorizing a method for the collection and remittance of property taxes related to dealers’ heavy equipment inventory.
Committee on Education – 2:30 p.m. – Room 434M
* H. B. 2771<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2771&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Relating to temporary teaching certificates for Armed Forces spouses
* H. B. 2799<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2799&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Prohibiting the superintendent of schools from requiring a physical examination to be included to the application for a minor’s work permit
* H. B. 3023<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=3023&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Relating to public school education assessment of students for dyslexia and dyscalculia
* H. B. 2494<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2494&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Providing that statewide school report cards are only to be made available to custodial parents and guardians of students upon request
* H. B. 2809<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2809&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Relating to basic state aid to public education
* H. J. R. 24, Proposing an amendment to the Constitution of the State of West Virginia relating to education, and providing for the election of members of the State Board of Education
Committee on Government Organization – 3 p.m. – Room 215E
* HB 3048<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=3048&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Relating to collection of Tier II fees for chemical inventories. (2nd reference to Finance)
* HB 2759<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2759&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Creating Statewide Interoperable Radio Network. (FIN)
* HB 2208<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2208&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Authorizing counties and municipalities to establish a joint airport hazard comprehensive plan.
* HB 2820<http://www.legis.state.wv.us/Bill_Status/bills_history.cfm?INPUT=2820&year=2017&sessiontype=RS>, Abolishing the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner. (FIN)