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A whole new perspective on downtown

Demolition of old Wheeling Inn reveals stunning vista

By Eric Ayres, The Intelligencer

WHEELING, W.Va. — Piles of rubble have been cleared away, and the last remnants of the former Wheeling Inn motel have been removed to reveal a view of the historic Wheeling Suspension Bridge that has not been seen in many decades.

This week, crews from Raze International continued to work at the site along Main Street, grading the property, completing final punch-list items and clean-up work, and preparing for demobilization of equipment from the site.

The Wheeling Convention and Visitors Bureau owns the former Wheeling Inn property and is spearheading the effort to redevelop the site into the proposed Wheeling Gateway and Visitors Heritage Center adjacent to the Suspension Bridge. However, city of Wheeling has remained a partner with the CVB in this effort and helped facilitate the grant-funded demolition of the former hotel.

The physical demolition of the former hotel began last fall, but work moved along quickly since then. Wheeling City Manager Robert Herron reported last November that the asbestos abatement and demolition was ahead of schedule.

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