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Fairmont Regional Medical Center cuts jobs as part of reorganization, review

By Eric Hrin | Times West Virginian

FAIRMONT, W.Va. — Citing a reduction in patients and revenue, Fairmont Regional Medical Center laid off 25 employees Wednesday.

“As part of its efforts to adjust its cost structure to account for reduced patient volumes, FRMC is moving forward with a plan to reorganize some of our administrative functions, which resulted in the elimination of certain positions and 25 employees being laid off,” FRMC stated Wednesday in a memo.

“The changes are aimed at enhancing operations and, in some cases, eliminating the duplication of efforts. FRMC will work with the affected employees to minimize the impact of these changes,” states the memo.

FRMC stated “this difficult decision to lay off employees was made after a thorough review of FRMC’s organization, staffing and business processes.”

In the meantime, FRMC staff are looking at multiple ways to cut costs, including renegotiating contracts and looking at ways to enhance revenue. …

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