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West Virginia schools recognized nationally for computer education offerings

By Jim Bissett, The Dominion Post

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — Jennifer Reaves, the technology integration specialist at Mylan Park Elementary School, loves gridding it out for the newbies — or those who are otherwise intimidated by anything in the digital realm.

“No, you didn’t break your laptop,” she’ll say.

Also, “Yes, you will learn computer coding, even if you are a kid, because you’re smart. You’ll especially learn computer coding because you are a kid, in fact.”

And, “No, you didn’t break your laptop” … (again).

Demystifying the technology is in her job description. It also ties in with some high-tech accolades netted by the West Virginia Department of Education last week.

Code.org, a Seattle organization that fosters and celebrates computer education for young people, recently placed West Virginia in its Top 10 list of school districts across the nation offering computer science classes as a literal matter of course…

To read more: https://www.dominionpost.com/2022/10/05/w-va-schools-recognized-nationally-for-computer-education-offerings/

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