Final virtual event of 2021 is general membership meeting at 3 p.m. on Dec. 17
WV Press News Sharing
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The West Virginia Press Association has released its 2022 meeting and event schedule, with plans for its first “in-person” events in two years.
Faced with the ongoing COVID pandemic and CDC guidelines, WV Press held virtual meetings and events during most of 2020 and 2021.
For 2022, however, the association hopes to have its full slate of events and meetings and to gather in person.
Executive Director Don Smith said member and guest safety is still the top priority, but said there is a benefit to gathering in person. “There comes a time, both professionally and personally, when virtual meetings start to lose value. In many ways, we are all zoomed out. Getting together will be energizing. It will allow for engagement, personal discussions and greater sharing of ideas. After two years of dealing with COVID, we hope 2022 is the year we can start the process.”
“Our plan is to gather in person,” Smith said. “However, that could change if the COVID risk increases. With our 2022 plan, we will encourage those not vaccinated or concerned about in-person gatherings to skip the event. We plan to offer a virtual option for most events. At this point, we are not planning to require guests to wear masks, but we certainly welcome masks as an added precaution.”
The WVPA’s final event of 2021 will be a virtual event: A general member ZOOM meeting at 3 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 17, 2021. Zoom invitations are being emailed.
The first in-person event planned is the 2022 Legislative Lookahead.
2022 WVPA Events
Jan. 7, Friday – Legislative Lookahead from 9 a.m. until 3 the WV Culture Center in Charleston.
Feb. 17, Thursday – Legislative Breakfast – at the WV Culture Center in Charleston.
Aug. 5 & 6, Friday and Saturday, WV Press Annual Convention in Charleston. Location TBD
Other events and training will be announced later this year.