By Steven Allen Adams, The Journal
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The back and forth between in-person learning and remote learning last year during the COVID-19 pandemic caused a severe drop-off in learning, according to data released Wednesday by the West Virginia Department of Education.
Members of the West Virginia Board of Education heard a report Wednesday during their monthly meeting on the 2021 state summative assessment results.
According to the report for Grades 3-8 and 11th grade, 28% of students were proficient in math at the end of the school year last year, an 11-point drop from 39% in 2019. For English and Language Arts (ELA), 40% were proficient last year – a six-point drop from 46% in 2019. In science, which is tested in Grades 5, 8 and 11, 27% were proficient last year – a six-point drop from 33% in 2019.
Vaughn Rhudy, director of assessment in the Office of Teaching and Learning for the Department of Education, said the state was able to administer assessments to more than 91% of students last year who were enrolled for a full academic year, or at least 135 non-consecutive days…