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West Virginia Attorney General Morrisey shares progress in hopeful reciprocity agreement with Maryland and other states

By Emily Keefer, The Journal

MARTINSBURG, W.Va. — West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey, in a recent visit to the Eastern Panhandle, discussed a future move toward a gun reciprocity agreement with the neighboring state of Maryland and other states.

Members of the community gathered at Black Draft Distillery in Martinsburg to listen to Morrisey speak about the progress of the reciprocity agreement. Many in attendance asked questions during the town hall meeting.

“We have a really neat opportunity today. I thought it would be good to bring a lot of people together to talk about a lot of the important Second Amendment issues that are percolating around,” Morrisey said.

He explained that his office is charged with the management of the reciprocity agreements in the state…

To read more: https://www.journal-news.net/journal-news/morrisey-shares-progress-in-hopeful-reciprocity-agreement-with-maryland-and-other-states/article_5e855ee3-c82a-509a-9317-a723bf50c96a.html

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