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Morgantown plays host to West Virginia Municipal League annual conference

By Ben Conley, The Dominion Post

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — If municipal governance is your jam, Morgantown is the place to be this week as the University City has rolled out the red carpet for the 2022 West Virginia Municipal League Annual Conference.

The event teed off with a Tuesday golf outing but hits full swing today and Thursday with a slate of workshops, committee meetings and events in and around the Morgantown Marriott at Waterfront Place.

The municipal meet-up was a topic of conversation as Morgantown City Council worked through a relatively light agenda during its regular Tuesday meeting.

“It’s brought in 300 to 400 folks representing municipalities from all across the state of West Virginia,” Morgantown City Clerk Christine Wade explained, noting attendees include elected officials, like mayors and council members, as well as city managers, attorneys and her municipal clerk counterparts, among others…

To read more: https://www.dominionpost.com/2022/08/03/morgantown-plays-host-to-west-virginia-municipal-league-annual-conference/

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