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June Webinar: How to do more enterprise reporting while still feeding the daily beast

WVPA Foundation funding access to industry training webinars for all member newspapers

CHARLESTON, W.Va. —  The West Virginia Press Association Foundation, in conjunction with Online Media Campus, is funding access to member newspapers to the OMC industry training webinar program.

The Foundation has partnered with OMC and is paying all WVPA newspaper fees. While individual attendance for a webinar is $35 per employee, through the Foundation sponsorship, WVPA member newspapers can register as many employees as needed without cost.

Webinars in June include:

How To Do More Enterprise Reporting While Still Feeding The Daily Beast

Thursday, June 16, 2022

1:00-2:00 p.m. CDT • 2:00-3:00 p.m. EDT 
Chris Coates, executive editor of the Times-Dispatch 

Think you don’t have enough time for watchdog journalism? Overwhelmed with keeping the daily machine running? Get practical advice for creating a newsroom culture that values public service and accountability reporting, no matter the staff size. The first step is deciding what not to do or to do differently. Some newsrooms are growing audiences while producing less content. The key is using data to determine which types of content are not contributing to audience engagement.

Register by June 13. Click here  for online registration

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