By David Beard, The Dominion Post
MORGANTOWN, W.Va. – In the face of strong opposition to her permitting reform bill, Sen. Joe Manchin announced late Tuesday afternoon he was pulling it from inclusion in the continuing resolution before the Senate for passage to keep government funded when the new fiscal year starts Oct. 1.
Manchin said in a release, “It is unfortunate that members of the United States Senate are allowing politics to put the energy security of our nation at risk. The last several months, we have seen firsthand the destruction that is possible as Vladimir Putin continues to weaponize energy.”
His bill is called the Energy Independence and Security Act.
He said, “A failed vote on something as critical as comprehensive permitting reform only serves to embolden leaders like Putin who wish to see America fail. For that reason and my firmly held belief that we should never come to the brink of a government shutdown over politics, I have asked Majority Leader Schumer to remove the permitting language from the continuing resolution we will vote on this evening.” …