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A look at West Virginia constitutional Amendment 1, regarding role of Legislature and courts in impeachment proceedings

By David Beard, The Dominion Post

MORGANTOWN, W.Va. — West Virginia voters will have the opportunity to vote on four proposed amendments to the state Constitution on November’s ballot.

They are: Clarification of the Judiciary’s Role in Impeachment Proceedings Amendment; Property Tax Modernization Amendment; Incorporation of Churches or Religious Denominations; and Education Accountability Amendment.

We will look at each proposed amendment in a separate story, starting today with Amendment 1.

Amendments are approved by a simple majority vote; a lack of a majority results in the amendment’s rejection…

To read more: https://www.dominionpost.com/2022/09/14/a-look-at-state-constitutional-amendment-1-regarding-role-of-legislature-and-courts-in-impeachment-proceedings/

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