A column by Rob Byers, co-editor of the Charleston Gazette-Mail
CHARLESTON, W.Va. — I see the headlines on the news wires, on Twitter, on Facebook. They fly by me in rapid succession.
For the first few months, I successfully ignored them. A slow head shake, maybe an eye roll, and I moved on to something of substance. Donald Trump’s latest bit of idiocy just didn’t make the cut for all that I had to fit into my brain that day.
But, sadly, things have changed.
They changed because, for so many people, Trump fits into their brains quite nicely. While in there, he unlocks a lot of their inner demons.
Racism. Sexism. Xenophobia. Oh, and fear. Lots of fear.
By the nature of my job, and, really, just my place as an American, I now have to pay attention to Trump’s dangerous ramblings — basically, because the electorate says so…