An editorial from The Journal
MARTINSBURG, W.Va. — Early voting begins today in West Virginia. Before you decide there is no need to take advantage of it, consider this:
During the 2012 primary election, 352,598 people cast ballots for president in the Mountain State. During the primary earlier this year, the total was 446,600.
A lot of people are interested in this year’s election. It is possible that those who wait until Election Day, Nov. 8, to vote will find themselves waiting in line.
We have been fans of the early voting process since it was established. It allows Mountain State residents who don’t want to risk waiting in line on Election Day to get their ballots recorded during the preceding two weeks.
Early voting also is excellent insurance against unexpected scheduling dilemmas on Nov. 8. You may intend to vote that day, but what if something you didn’t expect comes up to prevent you from getting to your polling place?
Early voting stations will be open at all county courthouses during regular business hours weekdays and from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. Saturdays. The last day to cast ballots through the program will be Saturday, Nov. 5.
Voting is more than just your civic duty. It is important to you, your family, your friends and your co-workers. Even so-called “down ballot” races affect our lives.
So make it a point to vote this year — and consider making use of the early voting program.