An editorial from the Parkersburg News and Sentinel
PARKERSBURG, W.Va. — For those emboldened by Donald Trump’s election to behave and speak out in a manner that sends messages of bigotry and hate, the president-elect has a simple message: Stop it.
Trump said he has been “saddened” to hear of harassment of minorities in the wake of his election, much of it pegged to those who said they supported him. Here in West Virginia there have been incidents including a public official in Clay County who reportedly made a racist comment about Michelle Obama on social media — and a mayor who commented approvingly on the post; and a press box and storage facility containing thousands of dollars worth of equipment burned to the ground in Boone County, with the words “Trump Train” painted on the grass in front of the building.
It should be noted that both women involved in the Clay County incident have apologized; and no motive has been assigned to the Boone County incident. But those are just two of many playing out across our country.
Meanwhile, Trump supporters are reminded of the age-old revelation that supporters’ interpretation of what is said by a candidate trying to get elected does not always (or, even, often) make its way onto the agenda of that person once he or she IS elected. Trump has already had to reinforce what he said on the campaign trail, that transgender people should use the bathroom they feel comfortable using; and explain in a televised interview that he is “fine” with gay marriage, “it’s law,” and “It was settled in the Supreme Court. I mean it’s done.”
He softened the idea that a wall will secure our southern border by admitting “there could be some fencing,” also explaining that mass deportation of nine million illegal immigrants is not high on his priority list; and has emphasized the “replace” portion of the “repeal and replace” call on Obamacare.
So as the president-elect works to unify and heal a very divided nation, the few who are determined to use his election as an excuse for evil behavior should heed Trump’s words. Stop it.