An editorial from The Register-Herald
BECKLEY, W.Va. — Pardon us while we scratch our heads.
At a time when everyone in this state needs to be focused with laser-like precision on how to shore up our economy before the whole house falls down, our Republican-led Legislature is doing everything in its power to create conditions where it would be A-OK to reduce wages for working men and women — all for the sake of an “agenda” written by the hand of political dogma.
Every economist knows that when you put money into the pockets of low- and moderate-income workers, those dollars get spent and economies heal. You know that, your neighbor knows that and every last legislator in Charleston knows that. But evidently, some of those folks who represent us just don’t have time for facts. They are too consumed with the concept of trickle-down economics, where if you put great gobs of money into the hands of corporate kings, some of that coin will rain down on all the peasants.
Feeling rich yet? Or just soaked…