An editorial from The Exponent Telegram
CLARKSBURG, W.Va. — It was President Abraham Lincoln, during his Gettysburg Address, who summed up our government with his now famous phrase — “government of the people, by the people, for the people.”
Of course, Lincoln’s address was to honor the thousands of dead soldiers who had fallen at Gettysburg, as well as other battles of the Civil War.
So oftentimes, when we hear the phrase “government of the people, by the people, for the people,” we associate it with the heroic acts of war that have long kept this country free.
Undeniably, the men and women of the military have done their parts in keeping us free from tyranny and oppression. They have taken to arms when needed and stood bravely in the face of enemy fire, standing for an ideal of liberty and justice for all.
While we are dependent on our military to protect our freedoms, each and every one of us play an equally important role once we become adults.
Today across West Virginia, the primary election will be held. And each and every citizen who heads to a voting precinct to cast a ballot is playing a vital role in our democratic process.
Unfortunately, if the experts are right, less than one-third of eligible voters will cast ballots today. You see, it’s what they call an off-year election: no presidential or gubernatorial race to increase the interest. So the fear is apathy will be the winner.
But each county in North Central West Virginia features key races and each vote truly matters.
Political party candidates for the general election will be selected for one U.S. Senate seat and each of three U.S. House seats.
Party nominees will be determined for each state House of Delegates position, while half of the 34 state Senate seats will have nominees selected…