
Correct decision: Drug Take-Back Days necessary

An editorial from the Bluefield Daily Telegraph

BLUEFIELD, W.Va. — The decision earlier this year by federal officials to discontinue the important and highly successfully Prescription Drug Take-Back Days was a baffling move. That decision prompted a quick and appropriate response from a group of eight lawmakers, including U.S. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, R-W.Va., and U.S. Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., who led the bipartisan push for a reinstatement of the free prescription drug disposal program.

The drug take-back program has been held across the region in recent years with great success. The campaign simply allows residents to safely dispose of leftover prescriptions and over-the-counter medications through designated drop-off locations in the area. This included expired, unexpired, unwanted or unused pharmaceutical controlled substances and other unwanted medications that may still be sitting in medicine cabinets. Law enforcement officials, in return, properly dispose of the controlled substances with no questions being asked to those who bring the narcotics in for disposal.

 The program is important for a couple of reasons. First, the campaign is necessary given the region’s rampant prescription drug abuse problem. More importantly, it helps ensure that drugs do not fall into the hands of a drug dealer, or worse, a small child or family member who may accidentally come across and consume the unused medication.

But as is often the case with the federal government, things that make sense are discontinued, and programs that are unwanted and burdensome are continued…

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