
Congress needs to find courage on gun control

An editorial from The Register-Herald

BECKLEY, W.Va. — Here we are again, counting the body bags, just as we had every reason to believe we would be. We have not grown cynical. But we know a trend when we see one.

This time, a gunman uses an AR-15-type assault rifle to slaughter 49 people and wound dozens more in an early morning attack Sunday at a nightclub in Orlando, Fla.

It wasn’t all that long ago — December of 2012 — when a gunman walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., and killed 20 children, six adults and himself.

Six months prior to that, a gunman walked into a movie theater in Aurora, Co., and shot indiscriminately into the crowd, killing 12 people and wounding 70 others.

Just last year in San Bernardino, Calif., a pair of terrorists killed 14 innocent people and wounded 21 others.

We could go on. And on…

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