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W.Va. Planned Parenthood funding targeted

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — House Speaker Tim Armstead, R-Kanawha, announced Tuesday that he is calling on the Department of Health and Human Resources to detail all state funding it provides to Planned Parenthood in West Virginia and to determine if those funds can be diverted to other health care organizations.

“In the aftermath of the recent videos and disclosures about Planned Parenthood, members of the House of Delegates have raised concerns about whether state funds are being provided to this organization,” Armstead said. “This request to [the] DHHR is an effort to determine whether state funds are, in fact, being provided to Planned Parenthood and, if so, how we can ensure that no state funding is provided to that organization.”

Armstead’s announcement follows efforts in Congress to defund the reproductive health organization after the release of undercover videos by an anti-abortion group showing national Planned Parenthood officials discussing how fetal tissue is procured for medical research and treatment.

In his statement, Armstead estimated that Planned Parenthood of West Virginia receives about $800,000 a year in state funding.

Allison Adler, spokeswoman for the DHHR, said Tuesday the department is trying to determine how much funding the agency receives.

Planned Parenthood operates one clinic in West Virginia, the Vienna Health Center in Wood County, which provides primary care and family planning services. It does not, as Armstead acknowledged in his statement, provide abortion services…

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