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Alderson co-op unveils expanded Green Grocer

Register-Herald photo by Rick Barbero Rick Allen, Americorps worker, looks over ramps at the Alderson Green Grocer.
Register-Herald photo by Rick Barbero
Rick Allen, Americorps worker, looks over ramps at the Alderson Green Grocer.

ALDERSON, W.Va. — All that’s missing are Ike and Corabeth Godsey. The homey feeling of a bygone era that was embodied by the Godseys’ country store on the venerable TV show “The Waltons” has been resurrected in Alderson’s newly expanded Green Grocer store.

The cash register is of a decidedly more recent vintage, and familiar staples like sugar and flour vie for shelf space with 21st century products that are sweetened with agave nectar and boast that they are gluten-free, but the old-fashioned country store appeal shines through.

A project of the Alderson Community Food Hub (ACFH), today’s Green Grocer is an ambitious expansion of a modest co-op that came to fruition thanks to community support and volunteer sweat-equity.

“The Food Hub’s board members had this store as a long-range plan for a good while, but when (Gadd’s IGA grocery store) closed, they decided the time was right to go ahead,” explained Green Grocer manager Ann Knott, one of only three paid employees at the compact store at the corner of W.Va. 63 and 12.

The turn-around for the project was quick. Gadd’s closed in November, and volunteers began remodeling the Green Grocer space the first of February. The full-service fresh grocery store opened a little more than a week ago…


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