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WV set to play major role in Trump nomination

WHEELING, W.Va. — If all goes as planned, it will be the votes of the West Virginia delegation that put Donald Trump over the top for the Republican nomination for president during tonight’s “roll call of the states” at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland.

The delegation is slated to be one of nine to present their votes during primetime coverage of the convention tonight, according to former West Virginia GOP Chairman Mike Stuart, who also serves as co-chairman of Trump’s campaign in the state. Stuart said he was informed of the plan on Saturday by the campaign.

Trump needs 1,237 votes from among the 2,472 delegates present to receive the nomination. The West Virginia delegation is a smaller delegation, and has just 34 votes — but based on the expected order of voting, one of those 34 people should give Trump his 1,237th vote…

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