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West Liberty University institutes gun ban

WEST LIBERTY, W.Va. — Other than in some special instances, individuals are no longer allowed to possess a firearm on the West Liberty University campus.

Addressing both concealed carry handguns and rifles hanging on pickup truck gun racks, the university’s gun ban, officially known as “Policy 56,” was enacted by the WLU Board of Governors this week.

This occurred after board members reviewed 16 comments regarding the planned ban.

Citing both the West Virginia Legislature’s adoption of House Bill 4145 earlier this year — which allows anyone age 21 or older to carry a concealed handgun without a permit — and a series of deadly mass shootings across the U.S. during the last few years, university officials sought to provide a more comfortable environment for all members of the community.

“Like most police officers, I support Second Amendment rights and we are not opposed to citizens having guns.

“We just want them to not carry on campus,” university Police Chief and Director of Public Safety Joseph Montemurro, said. “This is in accordance with most all colleges and schools across the country.”

Montemurro also referred to the experience of the university police and the staffing of the police department as a safety plus for students and staff.

“Policy No. 56 is designed to further clarify and outline in detail a deadly weapons/destructive device policy and to continue the excellent safety record of our campus,” university President Stephen Greiner said. “Most people are for this policy and welcome the change.”

“This is in accordance with state higher education legal counsel that has assured us that a separate section of (West Virginia) Code continues to allow our institution, like all other state colleges and universities, to exercise our personal property rights and prohibit the concealed carry of firearms on campus,” Greiner added.

Information from West Virginia University, Marshall University and Fairmont State University indicate those institutions already have similar rules in place, with WVU adopting its policy in 1998.

Greiner said the West Liberty gun ban would not only apply to concealed carry handguns, but to any gun that could be seen inside a private vehicle parked on campus. This could include a handgun on a seat, or a shotgun in a gun rack.

Greiner also said the regulation applies to any deadly weapon, rather than just firearms.

“There would be some discretion there. We would not look at a pocket knife the same as we would a machete,” he said previously.

Those who are exempt from the regulation include police officers, West Virginia Division of Corrections employees, active duty armed services members, judges, prosecutors and those who are authorized to carry weapons for academic research.

Previously, there had been concern the university’s policy may violate the concealed carry law. However, a letter from West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission Chancellor Paul Hill states his office believes universities are “still able to prohibit firearms and other deadly weapons on their campuses.”

See more from The Intelligencer/Wheeling News-Register. 

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