CHARLESTON, W.Va. — As the effort to clear away 377,000 cubic yards of debris from the March 2015 collapse of Yeager Airport’s safety-overrun area nears completion, airport and Kanawha County officials have begun to look at restoring the Charleston airport’s runway length and safety zones back to pre-landslide dimensions — and maybe even expanding them.
“We will return the runaway length and overrun area at least back to what it was before the slope failure, and frankly, I’d like to double it,” Kanawha County Commission President Kent Carper said Tuesday during a tour of the final phase of earth-moving activity near the base of the slide zone.
Carper said he favors adding the enhanced operational space by extending Yeager’s existing 6,802-foot runway onto land owned by Kanawha County and county-operated Coonskin Park.
“You know those glide path lights that run through one end of the park? That’s where it’s going to go…