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Barboursville to charge non-residents to recycle

BARBOURSVILLE, W.Va. — After Cabell County Solid Waste Authority’s last-ditch effort to continue the countywide recycling program failed during a commission meeting in August, the Village of Barboursville began noticing a large increase in traffic at its one recycling location.

“I would estimate the amount of traffic at our recycling location doubled,” Barboursville Mayor Chris Tatum said. “Something needed to be done about it, so we took action.”

Beginning Saturday, Oct. 15, the location for recycling will be moved into a secure location adjacent to the current facility on Depot Street, Tatum said, and a fee will be charged for non-residents of Barboursville.

 “Residents of the Village will continue to use the service at no cost, and non-residents will pay a fee of $3 per drop,” Tatum said.

He said proof of residency will be required.

“The recycling center will be clearly marked, secured and monitored,” he said.

Tatum said the changes are a direct result of funding cuts to the countywide recycling program and recommendations of Barboursville’s Planning Commission.

“Our recycling center became inundated and the Village cannot sustain the volume of recyclables without further investment in the program,” Tatum said.

He said all the fees collected will be put back into Barboursville’s recycling program.

“We didn’t want to see the residents outside city limits completely lose what has become an important service,” Tatum said. “We are not making a profit, and although this isn’t the preferred solution, it makes the most sense for the village at this time until countywide recycling can be restored.”

At this point there is no countywide strategy, said Stephen Zoeller, president of the Cabell County Solid Waste Authority.

“I am sure Barboursville is getting increased traffic,” he said Monday. “We certainly understand Barboursville’s decision to charge non-residents a fee, considering the current situation. That sounds fair.”

The Cabell County Solid Waste Authority began its drop-off recycling program in 2011 with 37 bins at eight locations, but three of those locations were put out of commission on June 30 as the authority lost funding from the Cabell County Commission and the city of Milton.

Of the five remaining bin locations, four are in Huntington, and those bins will remain open until the end of December, when the city of Huntington’s funding for them — about $20,000 — dries up.

The fifth bin is the old one on Depot Street in Barboursville, and Tatum has said it costs between $5,000 and $7,000 a year to maintain it.

“Those costs have gone up, due to the increased traffic,” Tatum said.

Zoeller said it is his understanding that Huntington officials, including the mayor, are looking for ways to continue recycling in Huntington.

“We have got people in the habit of recycling, and we don’t want that to stop,” he said. “We will work with the city any way we can to keep recycling in Huntington.”

Tatum said recycling is needed and wanted by residents.

“Recycling offers citizens a convenient program to enhance the recycling effort and reduce the amount of material sent to the landfill,” he said. “Citizens want recycling and these changes will allow us to continue to offer that service.”

The hours of operation and available drop-off times at the new Barboursville recycling location will be from 1 to 6 p.m. Wednesdays, and from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays.

For more information, contact Barboursville City Hall at 304-736-8994.


Items acceptable for recycling:

Residents can typically recycle the following:

* Glass bottles and jars (all colors)

* Metal cans: Aluminum cans, steel cans and lids, empty aerosol cans with the lids and tips removed

* Plastic bottles (empty, crush, reattach lid): Bottles and jugs that have a small mouth and wider base, such as milk jugs, soda bottles, laundry detergent bottles, water bottles, shampoo bottles and contact solution bottles

 * Paper: newspapers, magazines, cardboard, mixed office paper and envelopes, paperboard (cereal boxes), pizza boxes free of food debris and grease, telephone books and catalogs

* Cartons: food and beverage cartons, such as milk, juice, soup, wine, broth and other cartons.

Items not acceptable for recycling:

Residents cannot recycle the following:

* Plastic bags, cassette tapes, bed sheets, hangers, metal chains, garden hoses, batteries, needles, syringes, electronics, polystyrene foam, buckets, butter tubs, car parts, food, yard waste, light bulbs, drinking glasses, ceramics, pots, pans and scrap metal.

Recycling tips:

* Mix all items together – no separation required

* Empty all bottles, jugs and cans

* No need to remove labels

* For plastic bottles, empty, crush and reattach lids

* For cartons, remove plastic caps and straws

* Never place medical sharps or needles in the recycling

* Don’t use plastic bags

Follow reporter Fred Pace at and via Twitter at @FredPaceHD.


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