
Tenor of Trump’s world view is deeply disturbing

An editorial from The Register-Herald

BECKLEY, W.Va. — Sometimes we’re just not sure where to start with Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

We suppose the newspaper business should be thankful for the wealth of material he gives editorial writers, columnists and cartoonists — and how many digital online clicks he generates for news organizations across the country.

Likewise, television news organizations are boosting their ratings from a focused attention on Trump’s antics. He has been a record-setting boon to the popularity of the televised GOP debates this fall and every station wants a piece of the action.

Trump has been ratings gold.

There is something very American, too, about his bluster and bravado. His nativism strikes a chord echoed in popular opinion polls where he’s leading the Republican horse race.

We would be encouraged by Trump’s campaign and its influence, however, if his message didn’t seem to embrace xenophobia, racism, fear mongering and fabrication. The tenor of Trump’s world view, especially insulting and disparaging comments toward and about minorities, immigrants and campaign opponents, is, at the very least, deeply disturbing…

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