
Foresight lacking in Parkersburg stadium project

An editorial from the Parkersburg News and Sentinel

PARKERSBURG, W.Va. — In hindsight, it is easy to see that members of the Parkersburg High School Stadium Renovation Committee were in over their heads during the recent Stadium Field construction project. Their well-intentioned blundering led to serious cost overruns on the project and a question about who will pay a $450,000 unpaid bill for work completed.

But hindsight would not now be necessary if, last summer, the Wood County Board of Education had shown more foresight. The board should have been in less of a rush to hand out $700,000 to a group of people more adept at holding ice cream socials than being in charge of what turned out to be a $2 million-plus construction project.

In this matter, the BOE showed an amazing lack of indifference to Wood County’s taxpayers by putting political opportunism ahead of good decision making…

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