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State code spells out legislator pay


The Dominion Post

CHARLESTON, W.Va.  — State code spells out in detail — in Chapter 4, Article 2A, covering three pages — how legislators are paid.

Basic salary is $20,000 per year. Monthly disbursements vary, with a slightly different schedule every fourth year following a gubernatorial election — when the session starts in February instead of January.

Legislators are entitled to additional compensation based on positions held, and for travel, special sessions and interim meetings.

Each legislator receives $150 per day for extended or special sessions.

The Senate president and House speaker receive $150 per day served during a regular, special or extended session, and $150 per day when attending to legislative business any other time.

The majority and minority leaders get $50 per day served during regular, special and extended sessions.

The Finance and Judiciary chairs, along with up to six others specified by the president or speaker, get $150 per day for up to 30 days when attending to business outside of session or interim meeting dates.

During interim meetings — held several times per year between sessions to study and work on potential legislation — members also get extra pay.

Each member gets $150 per day, up to $4,500 per year. They can get another $150 per day for committee meetings outside of scheduled interims.

Legislators also get reimbursed for travel by submitting expense vouchers.

Code doesn’t give a specific number, but sets reimbursement at the current rate authorized by the Department of Administration based on the direct, usually traveled route, or actual costs for a public carrier, plus taxi service, tolls or parking fees. During sessions, expenses are limited to one round-trip per week.

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